
Wigpool should, as its name implies, be a pool. It is somewhat seasonal, shrinking in summer. However when we visited it in early November 2011 it was suffering the effects of a very dry summer and the pool had shrunk to a mere shadow of its normal self.

As a 'permanent' wet area it has some interesting botany, although the area has changed much. Gloucestershire wildlife trust has an article on Wigpool, which is part of a nature reserve.

Wigpool is about 4½ miles from the cottage at Green Bottom. The last bit of the drive is through some beautiful woodland. To the east of the pool is a path into a beech wood which adjoins Lining Wood.

[image 1/IMG_3932/JPG]
A very dry Wig pool, looking north.
[image 2/IMG_3933/JPG]
[image 3/IMG_3934/JPG]
[image 4/IMG_3935/JPG]
The north end of Wigpool
[image 5/IMG_3936/JPG]
Wigpool from the north
[image 6/IMG_3937/JPG]
Woods east of Wigpool
[image 7/IMG_3938/JPG]
Old mine workings with a Yew tree
[image 8/IMG_3939/JPG]
The old yew tree
[image 9/IMG_3940/JPG]
An old mine entrance
[image 10/IMG_3941/JPG]
A still-open entrance to an old mine
[image 11/IMG_3942/JPG]
Old spoil heaps in the wood

Page Information

valid-html401-blue Document URI: walks.torrens.org/fod/Wigpool/index.html
Page first published: 13th November 2011
Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:21:57 BST
Written by and © Richard John Torrens.